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Divorce’s Effects, Causes, and Consequences

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Family
Wordcount: 1056 words Published: 8th Feb 2020

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Divorce is the painful finish of wedding. Divorce rates are increasing nowadays. Typically for the better and higher, sometimes for the more severe however, divorce is becoming common these days. It is a big decision taken by the partners, for the maintenance of peace within the family. It happens, once partners notice that divorce is the only solution for their emotional and mental well-being is the separation. In this paper, I will be discussing the most important reasons and consequences of divorce on men, women, children, and family.

Women have affected additional just in case of divorce as a result of some women are financially dependent on their partners, therefore it is tough for them to go outside and earn a living. As well women who are divorced are looked upon in an exceedingly unhealthy approach in some countries. It additionally encompasses an unhealthy result has on their emotions distress. Divorce may leave a woman feeling sensitive offended, lonely and unhappy. Women might feel they have been betrayed by their husband, and that they do not trust different men too. Typically, custody of children is with women therefore, it is exhausting to raise the children alone. Without her husband’s income, she will have less money to cover bills and household expenses. Despite the potential negative effects of divorce on a woman, there are many cases in which divorce leads to a happier, healthier life. If a woman gets out of a marriage burdened with a fight, struggle or violence she will be happier after divorce.1

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It is believed that men are less suffering from divorce and have an emotional setback after a divorce. Men do not share their emotions easily so that they are left with plenty of thoughts. However, women are more expressive, they will build friends, and vent their feelings out. If the custody of children is with the woman, men lose his kids also and have limited time to meet them. Men will feel like they are not a part of the children’s lives anymore. Men pay alimony and half property to their wives, so this can be an extra financial liability, burden, and disadvantage. Loss of partner not only lead to stress and anxiety however additionally there is a change in diet and lifestyle leading to health illness includes weight fluctuations, depression, and insomnia. Divorced men are ten times more likely than married men to undergo psychiatric care, and have a thirty-nine percent higher suicide rate than their non-divorced counterparts.2 Most Men rely on alcohol and begin smoking to go away the stress and anxiety. In some cases, men rush into new relationships because they don’t want to be alone after a divorce. But sometimes past relation effects on new relationship because men can meet someone new and suppress all their feelings and disappointments with the failed marriage.3 This may lead to troublesome relationships and you can see more divorced men than women on an online dating app because women take their time before entering a new relationship.

Divorce of parents has a very emotional impact on children. Kids do not understand why they have two homes, and it becomes exhausting for them to believe in marriages’. They additionally feel that their partners might leave them someday. Studies have shown that within the United States, the daughters of divorced parents have a 60% higher divorce rate than those of non-divorced parents. The number is 35% for sons2 children are confused about understanding the dynamic of modified relations, they will have poor performance in academics. If kids are distracted, it is hard for them to focus on their school or daily routine work. Divorce makes children terribly emotionally sensitive. Feelings of loss, anger, confusion, anxiety, are common’s, sometimes, kids aren’t feeling that they are the reason for divorce, ultimately leading to stress and depression in them. Long term effects include social and behavioral problems, troubled in a relationship, the substance of abuse and a depression. Apart from a negative affects divorce also have the positive effects on children, for ex, the child does not get the stressful environment at home in which they see their parents disagreeing, arguing, and fighting all the time.4 But in some cases, kids develop additional patience and maturity.

Some cases family affected by divorce because divorce is not only between two partners it is effects on two families togetherness. Sometimes family are closer and have good relations with woman partner but after a divorce they have to deal with new person.5 Sometimes they have a hard time to adjust with a new person who has totally different nature, thoughts and comparison. Most of the time old parents affected by divorce because they are so depended.


Divorce is unpleasant and has negative effects on women, men, child, and family. Women go thru financial problem and take care of children by themselves. Men do not share them feeling easy but after losing children they also feel depressed and alone. Children face the hardest time to see the parents to be separated, it can be hard for children to regain that consistency back resulting in behavior, cognitive and emotional problem. Some cases in the family’s old parents have the most emotionally, different nature, and comparison effects of divorce. After divorce people end up with so many health conditions, trust issues and sometimes they go thru psychological therapies.


  • C. Giles, June 13, 2009., Livestrong.com., The Effects of Divorce on Women.
  • Lauren Bennett, January 13, 2018., Livingstrong.com., Effects of divorce on men.
  • Kathleen Shaul, June 22, 2018., Divorce is harder on men than women.
  • Marco Albertini, Jaap Dronkers; Jan 21, 2009. Tandfonline.com., Effects of Divorce on Children., 11:1, 137-159, DOI: 10.1080/14616690802248042.
  • Nini Yang, Chao C. Chen, Jaepil Choi and Yimin Zou; Nov 30, 2017., Comparison of the Effects of Family., DOI: 10.5465/1556390.


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