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What Age Should Marriage be Allowed?

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Social Policy
Wordcount: 559 words Published: 31st May 2017

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People should be allowed to get married only after age of 30

Marriage is one of the most important systems which keep the continuation of the social unity through marriage between a man and a women, who agree together to build a family. Getting married is a very important decision in every individual's life because they are planning to spend their entire life with their spouses. Sometimes people get married at an early age and than experience problems in their relationship. If People are allowed to get married only after age of 30 than they will be more matured, professionally settled and have a good financial position. And lastly, individuals would have lived and enjoyed all their dreams which are sometimes not possible after marriage.

Firstly, People should be allowed to get married only after age of 30 as they will be able to understand relationships more maturely. Age and experience brings with it wisdom most of the time. An individual marrying after the age of 30 would be able to precisely understand their spouse, would have learnt to deal with problems effectively, which will help them lead a healthier married life. For instance, if a couple gets married at an early age and if they do not know how to handle family problems than this can become a big drawback for their marriage and can lead to divorce.

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Secondly, People should be allowed to get married only after age of 30 as till this age most of the individuals would have achieved a lot of success in their career life and would have a good financial position to take care of their family. If individuals get married at an early age than the couple have to struggle in personal and professional life's due to insufficient funds. For instance, if people will be allowed to get married only after age of 30 than they will plan their future well and have enough earnings to handle the expenses to keep their family happy.

Lastly, People should be allowed to get married only after age of 30 is that waiting till the age of 30, will allow people to “live their dreams” as they will have many years after education to achieve what they want to. Individuals would have lived and enjoyed their peak years in their life's which will lead to fulfillment of their dreams and will provide them with a sense of satisfaction in life. For instance, if an individual is allowed to get married after age of 30 will know a particular age limit of getting married and will try to live all their dreams in life till that age so that after marriage they do not have any complications related to their dreams and they can live a joyful married life.

In conclusion, people should be allowed to get married only after age of 30 because they will be more matured and will have a better understanding of relationships, secondly till the age of 30 individuals would have achieved success in their careers and lastly individuals would have lived all their dreams till they turn to 30. These factors will make them feel more comfortable about their married life. They will be able to give all the happiness and love to their life partners because till 30 they would have found a right life partner who can take good care of their needs and wants.


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