How to write an Architecture Essay
Info: 1149 words (5 pages) Study Guide
Published: 3rd Apr 2018
Detailed below is a brief yet hopefully very helpful quick guide on how to write an Architecture essay to a high academic standard. The main objective of this piece of writing is therefore to present a simple to understand, and also to use, user guide on how to write an outstanding Architecture essay. The following tips and advice are intended to allow the readers of this guidance piece to write their very own Architecture essay that achieves high marks, as well as permitting them to demonstrate a high degree of understanding of Architecture as an academic discipline, not to mention their chosen profession. Architecture essays that are written to these guidance notes are intended to make people better architects besides assisting their efforts of becoming better writers of academic work.
The all important starting point for the best written Architecture essay is its own introduction, as its sets the tone, style, and influences the content for the remaining sections of the essay. Arguably it is the introduction that generally determines whether or not the intended audience for the Architecture essay will actually pay enough attention to the academic content, work standard, as well as the style of the essay taken as a whole.
To put it basically a great introduction makes it easier for the completed Architecture essay to gain top marks, with the important proviso that the rest of the essay is up to a similarly high academic standard as well. On the other hand a poor or even an average introduction reduces the prospects of top marks as the intended audience i.e. tutors or academic examiners could mentally switch off before reading the rest of the Architecture essay.
So how does one write a great introduction to an Architecture essay that grabs the attention of its intended audience?
One sound tip is to always relate the introduction of an Architecture essay to the question being asked in the title of the essay itself. Essentially as the writer of the piece one would need or at least be well-advised to paraphrase the wording of the question to indicate what the rest of the Architecture essay will actually discuss in answering the question posed in the essay title. Paraphrasing the question at the start of the introduction indicates that the writer of an Architecture essay intends to make the work relevant from the start all the way through to the finish.
From the effective or highly interesting introduction attention then has to be turned towards the writing of the main sections of an Architecture essay, where the bulk of marks are gained or indeed lost. Generally speaking it is best in terms of both style as well as impact to arrange the main sections of an Architecture essay into short paragraphs – indeed as a rule of thumb it is well worth using a single short paragraph for each main point or argument that is raised in an Architecture essay in order to answer the question as thoroughly as is possible.
The advantage of presenting the main or leading points of arguments in short and concise paragraphs is that it ensures that the attention of the intended audience is continuously maintained. Longer paragraphs increase the chances of the intended audience losing concentration, meaning that their attention could wander. It should always be considered that long paragraphs are off-putting to the majority of readers, as well as being more difficult to write due to the fact that one’s own attention that could also wander away from the writing of the Architecture essay itself.
To assist with the writing of short paragraphs, which are to the point and also well focused, it is a sound strategy to plan out as well as organise an Architecture essay before starting to write it. An essay plan can assist the writer with developing arguments, contentions, and main points for the main body of an Architecture essay.
Generally the planning of an Architecture essay should increase and also improve the essay writer’s capacity to produce an academically sharp, not to mention highly coherent, structured piece of work. A well-planned Architecture essay should in theory, and hopefully in practice flow better than an unplanned, possibly haphazard, and thus completely disorganised essay. Effective essay planning and carefully reading through draft versions can help any writer raise the quality of an Architecture essay.
Another tip for producing a sound Architecture essay is to make sure that the main sections of the piece of work are related and remain relevant to the question being asked in the title. You need to reassure the audience that you, as a writer, will remain focused on the question; paraphrasing part, or all, of the question when you start a new paragraph is one useful way to accomplish this.
As well as being to the point and also concise an Architecture essay should from start to finish reflect that its writer has carried out detailed research. After all carrying out detailed research is often required for the writer of an Architecture essay to answer the questions or the issues brought up for discussion or indeed evaluation by the essay title itself, or the writer’s interpretation of that title.
To make an Architecture essay stand-out from the crowd, adding individual and original thoughts to the piece will make tutors and markers pay more attention to the essay as a complete piece of academic writing. In many respects there is scope within the academic discipline of architecture for the writers of Architecture essays to add original thoughts to their work. Essay writers should also bear in mind that the academic discipline of Architecture allows tutors and examiners to set essay questions, which range from the relatively straightforward to more specific or technical subjects and issues.
Finally the writer of an Architecture essay should endeavour to ensure that the conclusion of their work does not let the rest of the essay down. Conclusions not only allow the writer to summarise the best arguments or points from the main sections of the essay, they also allow the opportunity for the writer to add more original thoughts or arguments that increase the impact of the essay over all. A strong conclusion is the perfect follow-up to a sound introduction and concise yet original main section.
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