Are the services provided by UKEssays legal?

Type: Support Article. Published: 1st Apr 2024

All of our services are completely legal. We're a fully registered company based in Dubai, in business since 2003. Our company's original roots are from the UK until moving to Dubai for an improved international presence.  We have an excellent Customer Service and After Care team working hard every day to bring you a great experience from start to finish. We would not still be here if we weren't operating a fully legal service.

Unlike other companies, we've been open and honest about what we do and how we work since we began. We've been mentioned in the press many times over the years, including media appearances on the BBC and Channel 4 in the past.  During our opening hours you can give us a call or speak with our team over live chat. 

Our mission is to provide students with the support they need. We do everything in our power to make sure students understand how to use our service correctly, and we genuinely believe that when used correctly our work is a fantastic academic aid and learning tool.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out and ask!

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